Unleash the Power of Inclusion: Tune in to the Inclusive AF Podcast Today!
June 28, 2023

Creating Inclusive Systems: A Path to Diversity and Equity with Dr. Raymona Lawerence

Creating Inclusive Systems: A Path to Diversity and Equity with Dr. Raymona Lawerence
Today's blog post will explore the importance of creating inclusive systems and processes to promote diversity and equity. We will delve into the experiences and insights of Dr. Raymona Lawrence, a public health professor, and diversity coach, as she shares her journey and expertise in this field. From her public health background to her network marketing work, Dr. Lawrence has witnessed the need for greater representation and consideration of people of color. Join us as we uncover the challenges faced, the solutions proposed, and the impact of merging diversity and inclusion efforts with back-end systems.

The Journey to Diversity and Inclusion

Dr. Raymona Lawrence's journey toward championing diversity and inclusion is deeply rooted in her upbringing in the Deep South and her experiences in the world of network marketing. These formative experiences have shaped her views and passion for creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

Growing up in the Deep South, Dr. Lawrence witnessed firsthand the systemic inequalities and discrimination marginalized communities face. These experiences instilled in her a sense of justice and a desire to make a difference. After pursuing a career in network marketing, she began to recognize the power of diverse perspectives and the importance of inclusion within organizations and communities.

With a public health and social justice background, Dr. Lawrence embarked on a new path, starting her own company centered around diversity, equity, and inclusion. Her company seeks to foster a culture where everyone feels valued, respected, and heard. Through her work, she aims to dismantle systemic barriers and create opportunities for underrepresented individuals to thrive.

One of Dr. Lawrence's core values is recognizing the importance of listening to people's truth and accepting their experiences. She believes that genuinely hearing and understanding different perspectives can build bridges and foster a more inclusive society.

Dr. Lawrence advocates for creating safe spaces where individuals feel comfortable sharing their stories and challenges faced due to systemic inequalities. By acknowledging these diverse lived experiences, we can work towards dismantling existing biases and creating a more equitable future for all.

Through her work, Dr. Lawrence inspires individuals and organizations to embrace diversity and inclusion as a core value, recognizing that it is a moral imperative and a strategic advantage. By fostering diverse perspectives and creating an inclusive environment, companies can drive innovation, improve decision-making, and better serve their customers and communities.

In conclusion, Dr. Raymona Lawrence catalyzes change, leveraging her personal experiences, educational background, and professional expertise to advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion. She empowers others to embrace inclusivity, emphasizing the transformative power of listening and accepting people's truths. Through her work, she contributes to creating a more equitable and inclusive society.

Addressing Disparities in Health Outcomes

Dr. Lawrence's groundbreaking work in public health has brought to light the stark disparities in health outcomes for black women, particularly in relation to birth outcomes. Despite factors such as education and fitness levels, black women continue to experience disproportionately worse birth rates and overall health outcomes. These disparities are deeply rooted in historical contextual factors and biases that have contributed to the lack of belief in black women's pain and symptoms. Dr. Lawrence's research sheds light on these issues and emphasizes the pressing need for healthcare providers to listen to black women and take their concerns seriously.

The Reality of Disparities

It is alarming to learn that even when black women have similar levels of education and fitness as their white counterparts, they still face significantly higher rates of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. They are more likely to experience preterm births, low birth weights, and have higher infant mortality rates. This stark reality underscores the urgent need to address and rectify the disparities in health outcomes for black women.

Historical Context and Biases

The historical context and biases that have contributed to the stark disparities in health outcomes cannot be ignored. African American women have endured a long history of systemic racism and discrimination within the healthcare system, leading to a lack of trust and belief in their pain and symptoms. The belief that black women have a higher pain tolerance or exaggerate their symptoms is not only unfounded but also perpetuates the neglect and mistreatment they often face in healthcare settings.

Listening and Taking Concerns Seriously

Dr. Lawrence's work highlights the importance of healthcare providers genuinely listening to black women and taking their concerns seriously. This means acknowledging and validating their pain and symptoms, respecting their experiences, and providing them with appropriate care and support. It requires healthcare providers to confront their biases and provide culturally sensitive care that addresses the unique needs and challenges faced by black women.

As Dr. Lawrence urges, it is crucial for doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to actively combat the disparities in health outcomes for black women. By listening attentively and taking their concerns seriously, healthcare providers can contribute to reducing these disparities and ensuring that every woman, regardless of race or ethnicity, receives the quality care and support she deserves during pregnancy and childbirth.

Diversity and Inclusion in Network Marketing

Dr. Lawrence is a powerful advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion within the network marketing industry. She has collaborated with companies like Arvon and Rodan and Fields to champion these important values and bring about positive change within their organizations.

One of the key issues that Dr. Lawrence addresses is the lack of representation and consideration for people of color in product marketing, particularly in the beauty industry. She highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing this disparity, as it not only affects the individuals who are overlooked but also hinders the industry from reaching its full potential.

Black individuals and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) individuals face unique challenges in network marketing. Despite their talent, skill, and expertise, they are often underrepresented and undervalued. Dr. Lawrence explores these challenges and raises awareness about the need for equal opportunities and fair treatment for all individuals, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

Furthermore, Dr. Lawrence emphasizes the importance of creating inclusive systems and approaches within network marketing. She advocates for companies to actively seek out and amplify diverse voices, perspectives, and experiences. By doing so, businesses can tap into a wider range of ideas, insights, and creativity, ultimately driving innovation and success.

Inclusive marketing strategies not only benefit individuals from underrepresented communities but also contribute to the overall growth and sustainability of the network marketing industry. Dr. Lawrence encourages companies to rethink their marketing approaches and ensure that their promotional materials reflect the diversity of their consumer base. By embracing diversity, companies can better connect with their target audience and build stronger, more inclusive communities.

In conclusion, Dr. Lawrence's work in the area of diversity and inclusion is instrumental in paving the way for positive change within the network marketing industry. Her efforts to promote representation and equal opportunities for people of color are crucial in creating a more inclusive and equitable future. By learning from her insights and implementing inclusive systems and approaches, network marketing businesses can contribute to a more diverse and prosperous industry for all.

The ROAR Framework and Creating Inclusive Systems

Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace is not just a moral imperative but also a smart business strategy. Dr. Lawrence introduces the Roar framework, a powerful tool that focuses on recruitment, onboarding, activity, and retention to audit and improves business processes.

Recruitment is the first step of the Roar framework. It involves actively seeking out a diverse pool of candidates and using inclusive language in job postings. By casting a wide net and welcoming candidates from different backgrounds, businesses can benefit from a wider range of perspectives and experiences.

Onboarding, the second step in the Roar framework, is crucial for making new employees feel welcome and included from day one. Providing comprehensive training on diversity and inclusion, as well as assigning mentors or buddies, can help ensure that new hires have the support they need to thrive in their new roles.

Activity, the third step, focuses on fostering an inclusive workplace culture. This can be achieved through regular diversity and inclusion training for all employees, as well as creating employee resource groups or affinity networks where individuals can connect and support one another.

Retention, the final step, involves implementing policies and practices that support the long-term success and retention of diverse employees. This can include flexible work arrangements, promotion opportunities, and fair performance evaluations.

Dr. Lawrence emphasizes that addressing diversity and inclusion issues should not be seen as an add-on or optional. It needs to be integrated into systems and processes from the very beginning. By creating inclusive systems, businesses can tap into the full potential of their employees and create a culture of belonging.

The iEngageU platform is highlighted as an effective solution for businesses looking to implement the Roar framework. This comprehensive platform provides all the necessary tools and resources to support the recruitment, onboarding, activity, and retention of diverse talent. With features such as bias-aware job postings, interactive training modules, and collaboration spaces, iEngageU equips business owners with the means to create inclusive systems and drive positive organizational change.

Equipping Individuals for Success

In today's society, it is crucial to equip individuals with the necessary systems and support to thrive in inclusive environments. Unfortunately, many people of color face significant barriers when it comes to accessing resources and knowledge that can propel them towards success.

During a recent interview, Dr. Lawerence passionately discussed the need to challenge broken systems and create opportunities for generational wealth. They emphasized the importance of building communities and financial systems from within, rather than relying on external sources for support.

One of the main issues highlighted was the lack of access to resources for people of color. There is often a disparity between different racial groups, whether it be financial capital, educational opportunities, or mentorship programs. This lack of access perpetuates a cycle of disadvantage, making it difficult for individuals to progress and achieve their goals.

However, the interviewee also pointed out that change is possible. By actively working to level the playing field and provide equal access to resources, we can empower individuals to overcome obstacles and thrive. This starts with building strong communities that offer support and guidance to those who need it most.

Financial systems were another point of discussion. The interviewee stressed the importance of creating financial structures that benefit individuals and communities, rather than exploiting them. By promoting financial literacy and offering tools for economic empowerment, we can help individuals gain the knowledge and skills they need to build wealth and secure a prosperous future.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a society where individuals of all backgrounds have an equal chance to succeed. This requires challenging oppressive systems, dismantling barriers to resources and knowledge, and fostering a sense of community and support.

By equipping individuals with the tools and support they need, we can pave the way for a more inclusive and prosperous future. Let us work together to challenge broken systems, build resilient communities, and create opportunities for generational wealth.

Taking Action and Making a Difference

In the journey towards creating a more diverse and inclusive society, Dr. Lawrence offers valuable insights on how individuals can make a difference. Rather than becoming overwhelmed by the vastness of the task at hand, Dr. Lawrence encourages us to focus on finding our area of disruption within diversity and inclusion.

Before we can take action, it is important to engage in individual reflection. This entails understanding our personal beliefs and biases, and being willing to challenge them. By examining our own perspectives, we can begin to break down the barriers within ourselves that contribute to systemic discrimination.

Once we have gained insight into our own beliefs, it is crucial to take action. Dr. Lawrence emphasizes that change is only possible when we actively work towards it. This can manifest in various ways, whether it's through addressing bias in our daily interactions, advocating for inclusive policies in our workplaces, or supporting organizations that promote diversity.

In addition to taking action, it's vital to acknowledge that people's experiences within the same environment can be vastly different. Dr. Lawrence reminds us that everyone has their own unique perspective shaped by their background and identity. Therefore, it is essential to provide individualized support and create spaces where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.

By embracing diversity and inclusion, we have the power to create a more equitable society. It starts with each one of us finding our area of disruption and committing to making a difference. As Dr. Lawrence notes, "We all have the ability to effect change, and it starts with taking that first step."

The Importance of Merging Diversity and Equity with Back-End Systems

Organizations today are increasingly recognizing the importance of integrating diversity and inclusion efforts into all aspects of their operations, including their back-end systems. By merging these two critical components, companies can create a more inclusive and equitable workplace that fosters innovation, creativity, and collaboration. In a recent interview, our expert discussed the significance of examining recruitment processes, standard operating procedures, and policies within an organization to ensure they align with diversity and equity goals.

One of the first steps in merging diversity and equity with back-end systems is to evaluate the organization's current recruitment processes. This involves assessing how job postings are written, where they are posted, and how candidates are evaluated. By using inclusive language, promoting the job postings in diverse communities, and implementing anonomous resume screening techniques, organizations can attract a wider pool of candidates with diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Standard operating procedures within an organization also play a crucial role in promoting diversity and equity. These procedures should be examined to ensure they are fair, transparent, and bias-free. By implementing guidelines that promote equal opportunities, companies can create an inclusive environment where all employees can thrive.

Policies and guidelines related to diversity and inclusion should also be evaluated and updated as necessary. It is essential for companies to have clear policies in place that address issues such as workplace harassment, equal pay, and accommodations for individuals with disabilities. These policies should reflect the organization's commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace.

Once an organization has identified any issues or gaps in their back-end systems, it is necessary to mitigate them based on where the organization stands on the continuum of cultural competence. This may involve providing employee training and education, revising policies and procedures, and implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives. Addressing these issues promptly and effectively is crucial to create a more equitable and inclusive workplace.

Automation can be valuable once best practices have been established in merging diversity and equity with back-end systems. Automated processes can help eliminate bias and ensure fair and consistent decision-making. For example, automated resume screening software can help identify qualified candidates based on objective criteria rather than subjective judgments, reducing the hiring process's potential bias.

In conclusion, merging diversity and equity with back-end systems is essential for creating an inclusive and equitable workplace. By examining recruitment processes, standard operating procedures, and policies within an organization, companies can identify and address any issues that may hinder diversity and inclusion efforts. Once best practices are established, automation can further support these efforts. Ultimately, organizations that prioritize diversity and equity will reap the benefits of a more engaged and diverse workforce.

Conclusion: A Path to Diversity and Equity

In today's diverse and ever-changing world, it is imperative that we prioritize creating inclusive systems and processes. By doing so, we can ensure that everyone, regardless of their background or identity, has equal opportunities and access to resources. The road to diversity and equity may seem challenging, but through addressing disparities, challenging broken systems, and equipping individuals for success, we can pave the way for a more inclusive society.

Addressing Disparities

One of the first steps towards building a more inclusive society is acknowledging and addressing the disparities that exist. This involves recognizing and understanding the unequal distribution of resources, opportunities, and privileges among different individuals and communities. By shining a light on these disparities, we can work towards dismantling the barriers that prevent marginalized groups from fully participating and thriving in society.

Challenging Broken Systems

To achieve true diversity and equity, we must also tackle the root causes of these disparities by challenging the broken systems that perpetuate them. This includes examining existing structures, policies, and practices that contribute to discrimination and exclusion. By advocating for change and demanding accountability, we can push for the creation of more just and inclusive systems that benefit all individuals.

Equipping Individuals for Success

Creating inclusive systems also involves equipping individuals with the tools and support they need to succeed. This means providing access to quality education, mentorship programs, and professional development opportunities. Additionally, it is crucial to foster an environment that values diversity and encourages individuals to bring their unique perspectives and experiences to the table. By empowering individuals, we can unlock their full potential and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Time to Take Action

The time for action is now. Recognizing the importance of diversity and equity is not enough—we must actively work towards creating change. Each one of us has a role to play in building a more inclusive and equitable society. Whether it is through supporting marginalized communities, promoting diversity in our workplaces, or advocating for equal rights and opportunities, every action counts.

Make a Difference

Creating a more inclusive and equitable society requires continuous effort and dedication. It is important for each of us to reflect on our own biases and privileges and to challenge ourselves to do better. By actively seeking out diverse perspectives, amplifying marginalized voices, and actively working to dismantle systems of oppression, we can make a profound difference in the lives of others.

Create Opportunities for All

Ultimately, promoting diversity and equity aims to create opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their background or identity. By leveling the playing field and ensuring that everyone has equal access to resources, education, and opportunities, we can build a society where everyone can thrive. By embracing diversity and celebrating our differences, we can foster a sense of belonging and create a society that is truly inclusive for all.

In conclusion, we can build a more inclusive and equitable society by addressing disparities, challenging broken systems, and equipping individuals for success. It is time to take action, make a difference, and create opportunities for all. Let's work together to create a world where diversity is celebrated and everyone has an equal chance to succeed.