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July 26, 2023

Addressing Pain and Inequality in Healthcare: Lessons from Inclusive AF Podcast

Addressing Pain and Inequality in Healthcare: Lessons from Inclusive AF Podcast

In a recent episode of the Inclusive AF podcast, hosts Jackye Clayton and Katee Van Horn delve into the topic of pain, healthcare disparities, and the importance of listening and understanding. They share personal experiences, discuss biases in the medical field, and advocate for better research and support for women's health issues. This blog post explores the key takeaways from their conversation.

The Importance of Recognizing and Addressing Pain in Black Women

Jackye Clayton, a courageous woman, has decided to share her recent medical experience and shed light on her struggle with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). This disorder, which affects many women, is often accompanied by severe physical and emotional symptoms. Unfortunately, Jackie's story also highlights the dismissive attitude that black women often face when seeking medical help and the disparities in treatment between black and white individuals.

Jackye's journey began when she started experiencing excruciating pain and debilitating mood swings during her menstrual cycle. After doing extensive research, she came across PMDD, a condition that was previously unknown to her. Realizing that she fit the criteria for this disorder, she sought medical assistance to help manage her symptoms and improve her quality of life.


However, instead of receiving the support and care she desperately needed, Jackye encountered a dismissive attitude from healthcare professionals. Her pain and concerns were often brushed off, leaving her feeling invalidated and unheard. Unfortunately, this experience is not unique to Jackye but is common for many black women.

This dismissive attitude towards the pain experienced by black women can be attributed to various factors, including structural racism within the healthcare system. In a society that often fails to acknowledge and address the unique healthcare needs of black women, we must confront these issues head-on and strive for equality and justice in healthcare.

The disparities in treatment between black and white individuals are well-documented, with black individuals often receiving substandard care due to implicit biases and systemic racism. This is particularly alarming regarding pain management, as studies have shown that black patients are less likely to receive adequate pain relief than their white counterparts.

This inequality in pain management extends to conditions like PMDD, where black women face additional barriers in accessing appropriate care. This can harm their physical and mental well-being, exacerbating their symptoms and diminishing their quality of life.

Recognizing and addressing the pain experienced by black women is crucial for multiple reasons. Firstly, it is a matter of basic human dignity and respect. Everyone, regardless of race or gender, deserves to have their pain acknowledged and treated compassionately. No one should have to suffer in silence.

Secondly, failing to address pain in black women perpetuates health disparities and exacerbates existing inequities in our healthcare system. By prioritizing the pain management needs of all individuals, regardless of their race, we can begin to dismantle the inherent biases that have led to these disparities.

Thirdly, prioritizing pain recognition and treatment in black women is essential to improving healthcare outcomes. Research has shown that untreated pain can have long-term physical and mental consequences. By adequately addressing pain, we can enhance black women's overall well-being and quality of life.

In conclusion, Jackye Clayton's brave decision to share her experience highlights the urgent need to recognize and address pain in black women. The dismissive attitude and disparities in treatment that Jackye encountered are pervasive issues that should not be ignored. It is crucial that we advocate for equality and justice in healthcare, ensuring that every individual, regardless of their race or gender, receives the care and compassion they deserve. Recognizing and addressing pain in black women can take a significant step towards a more equitable and inclusive healthcare system.


The Profound Impact of Pain on Daily Interactions and Mental Well-being

Pain is an unavoidable part of life. Whether it's a minor headache or chronic back pain, we all experience discomfort at some point. However, the impact of pain goes beyond physical discomfort. It significantly affects our daily interactions and mental well-being.

On a recent podcast, the hosts delved into this topic, discussing the profound impact of pain on our lives. They shared personal experiences, insights and explored the need for better research and understanding of women's health issues.


Living with Constant Pain: Jackye's Story

One of the hosts, Jackie, shared her experience of living with constant pain. She opened up about how it has affected various aspects of her life. From simple tasks like walking or cooking a meal to engaging in social activities, pain has become a constant companion and a barrier in her daily life.

Jackye described the mental toll that constant pain takes, leading to frustration, anxiety, and depression. It's not just physical discomfort but a heavy burden that impacts her overall well-being.


The Impact on Daily Interactions

Pain can significantly impair our ability to engage in everyday activities and interact with others. Simple tasks that were once effortless become challenging and exhausting. This can affect our relationships, both personal and professional.

Individuals with chronic pain often cancel plans or withdraw from social events. It's not because they don't want to participate but because the pain becomes overwhelming, making it challenging to be present and enjoy these moments fully.

Furthermore, pain can lead to irritability and mood swings, causing strain on personal relationships. Loved ones may struggle to understand the challenges faced by someone living with pain, leading to isolation and loneliness.


Pain Tolerance and Differences Between Individuals

Pain is a subjective experience, and individuals can have vastly different pain tolerance levels. Some people may have a high pain threshold, allowing them to endure more discomfort before seeking relief. Others may have a lower threshold, where even mild pain can be debilitating.

Understanding these differences is crucial, especially in the medical field. Doctors and healthcare professionals must assess each patient's pain levels individually and tailor treatment plans accordingly. The one-size-fits-all approach is not practical when it comes to pain management.

Additionally, the conversation highlighted the need for better gender-specific research and understanding of women's health issues. Women's pain is often downplayed or dismissed, leading to delayed or inadequate treatment. Bridging this knowledge gap is essential in providing better care and support to individuals experiencing pain.


Challenging Assumptions and Biases in Pain Perception

This blog section delves into the important topic of biases and assumptions in pain perception. We start by highlighting a conversation where Jackye courageously shares her experience of extreme pain during her menstrual cycle and how it significantly impacts her daily life. As we listen to Jackye's story, it becomes evident how assumptions and biases can play a role in healthcare.

Assumptions and biases can often cloud the judgment of healthcare providers when it comes to understanding and addressing pain. Challenging these assumptions and biases is essential to improve patient care and outcomes. Doing so allows for a more accurate understanding of pain experiences and can develop more effective treatments and interventions.


Listening and Seeking Understanding

One crucial aspect of challenging assumptions and biases in pain perception is the practice of active listening and seeking to understand. It involves creating a safe space where individuals can share their experiences without fear of judgment or dismissal. When someone shares their experience of pain, it is essential to validate their feelings and emotions, as pain is subjective and unique to each individual.

By actively listening and seeking understanding, healthcare providers can gather valuable information about the nature of the pain, its impact on daily life, and potential patterns or triggers. This level of engagement helps capture a comprehensive picture of the individual's pain experience, allowing for more personalized and effective treatment plans.


The Role of Assumptions and Biases in Healthcare

Assumptions and biases can hinder the delivery of quality healthcare. They can lead to misdiagnosis, delayed treatment, or inadequate pain management. When healthcare providers rely on preconceived notions or stereotypes, they may overlook critical aspects of a patient's pain experience or dismiss their concerns altogether.


For example, in Jackye's case, she mentioned that the extreme pain she experiences during her menstrual cycle is often brushed off as "normal" by some healthcare providers. These assumptions not only disregard the severity of Jackye's pain but also undermine her ability to actively engage in daily activities during that time.

Challenging assumptions and biases require a shift in mindset within the healthcare community. It involves recognizing that pain experiences can vary significantly from person to person and that each individual's pain should be taken seriously and treated with empathy and compassion.


The Importance of a Holistic Approach to Healthcare

In today's fast-paced world, it is all too common for healthcare professionals to focus solely on managing the symptoms of their patient's illnesses. While symptom management is undoubtedly important, addressing the underlying causes of pain and discomfort is equally crucial. This is where a holistic approach to healthcare comes into play.


Instead of simply treating the symptoms, a holistic approach seeks to understand and treat the whole person, considering their physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual well-being. Healthcare practitioners can provide more comprehensive and effective care by looking at the bigger picture.


Addressing the Underlying Causes of Pain

When a patient presents with a specific symptom, such as a headache or back pain, a holistic healthcare provider will try to alleviate the immediate discomfort and explore the possible root causes of the problem. To develop a customized treatment plan, they will consider factors such as stress, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and emotional well-being.

This approach recognizes that pain and illness are often the result of imbalances in the body and mind. Healthcare professionals can help patients achieve long-term healing and wellness by identifying and addressing these underlying imbalances.


The Significance of Active Listening and Understanding

A holistic approach to healthcare goes beyond the physical symptoms and considers each individual's unique experiences and needs. Active listening and understanding are essential components of this approach.

Healthcare providers who practice active listening genuinely hear their patients' voices and validate their experiences. They create a safe and supportive environment where patients feel comfortable expressing their concerns and sharing their stories.

Understanding is also key in a holistic approach. Healthcare professionals aim to understand the external factors that may contribute to a person's health issues and their internal experience. This understanding allows them to provide personalized care that addresses the whole person, not just their symptoms.

Advocating for Oneself in Healthcare Settings

Empowering patients to advocate for themselves is another important aspect of a holistic approach to healthcare. By encouraging individuals to take an active role in their well-being, healthcare providers can promote self-care and self-advocacy.

This may involve educating patients about their conditions, treatment options, and available resources. It also means helping them develop the skills and confidence to communicate their needs and concerns effectively.

Advocating for oneself in healthcare settings ensures that patients are active participants in their own care, leading to better treatment outcomes and overall satisfaction.


The Need for Better Research and Support

While the holistic approach to healthcare has gained recognition and acceptance in recent years, much work remains to be done regarding research and support in the medical field.

Medical professionals need access to the latest scientific evidence and best practices to incorporate a holistic approach into their practice. This requires ongoing research and knowledge dissemination that supports holistic care's effectiveness and benefits.

Furthermore, healthcare providers need support from healthcare systems and organizations to implement holistic care models. This includes training programs, resources, and policies that promote and prioritize holistic approaches to healthcare.


Language, Assumptions, and the Fight for Equality

In today's episode, we explore the profound impact of language and assumptions on decision-making, particularly in the context of equality and justice. Through engaging conversations and thoughtful discussions, our hosts dive deep into this significant topic, shedding light on recognizing and accepting someone's truth.

Language plays a pivotal role in shaping our understanding of the world and the experiences of individuals. Depending on how it is used, it can empower or disempower, validate, or invalidate. By exploring the power of language and its impact on decision-making, we aim to inspire greater awareness and understanding among our listeners.


The Importance of Recognizing and Accepting Someone's Truth

Every individual has their own unique set of experiences, perspectives, and truths. It is crucial to recognize and accept these truths, honoring the lived experiences of others. Doing so creates a foundation of trust and empathy – essential components in effecting positive change.

In healthcare, recognizing and accepting someone's truth is incredibly vital. Pain and other healthcare issues can be complex and subjective, requiring a holistic approach rooted in understanding the individual's perspective. We can provide more compassionate and effective care by actively listening and valuing their truth.


The Fight for Equality and Justice

Our hosts call upon our listeners to join them in the fight for equality and justice. They emphasize the need to actively challenge and dismantle systemic barriers perpetuating inequality, particularly in marginalized communities.

Black women, in particular, face unique challenges and injustices that must be addressed. Our hosts highlight the importance of supporting black women's right to rest and be heard, as they often bear the weight of intersectional discrimination. We must recognize and amplify their voices, giving them the space and platform they deserve.

Equality and justice are not just abstract concepts – they require active engagement and commitment. Our hosts inspire listeners to take action through advocacy, supporting organizations working tirelessly for equality, or engaging in difficult conversations that challenge existing assumptions and biases.



Language and assumptions profoundly impact decision-making, particularly in the pursuit of equality and justice. We can create a more inclusive and equitable society by recognizing and accepting someone's truth and challenging systemic barriers.

Let us unite in this fight for equality, supporting black women's right to rest and be heard. We can make a difference through meaningful dialogue and concrete actions. Join us as we strive for a world where everyone's truth is recognized and equality and justice prevail.